Investing in Development
THE EXCALIBUR FUND: Helping the poorest in society
Over the years we have seen first-hand how people can create sustainable lives for themselves and those around them when given the opportunity. When bottom-up solutions developed by an organized community are combined with a flourishing private sector enabled by a supportive government, millions of people living in poverty can enjoy better lives.
Our investment heritage combined with our development experience has led to the launch of philanthropic investment funds that tackle routine challenges and calamities. These philanthropic investment funds are dedicated charitable funding vehicles open to external investors. Operating with the discipline and transparency of an investment fund, our goal is to mobilize hundreds of Pesos to scale up proven interventions nationwide.
THE LEGENDS FUND: Helping the children to go back to school
At least thousands of primary-school-aged children are out of school globally due to illness, poverty and lack of security. Facing a life of illiteracy, most will live in a debilitating poverty that will pass to future generations.
The Legends Fund is dedicated to developing and scaling innovative approaches to learning for the most vulnerable children. It was founded to scale the “Second Chance Program” across the rural areas of the Philippines.
Second Chance is an accelerated learning program which equips out-of-school students with basic reading, writing and math skills. The program enables those children to compress three years of curriculum into ten months, after which they can re-enter the public-school system. To date, it has seen thousands of children brought back to school.
Since being established, The Legends Fund has expanded Luzon up to Visayas and Mindanao.
Investing in Policies and Ideas
Ideas have a profound influence on the formation of society; from the values we embrace individually, to the form of government we choose collectively and the policies we support.
The Legends Institute is an independent think tank of Proinvest International, based in the Batangas Philippines. The work of the Institute focuses on understanding, measuring, and explaining the journey from poverty to prosperity for individuals, communities, and nations and on promoting the policies and practices which enable this transition. Their events, reports, and publications aim to advance education in the fields of economic, political, and social policy.
Investing in Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is unmatched in its power to generate economic growth, create jobs, and transform society. Entrepreneurship results from and encourages the promotion of law and order, effective judicial systems, property rights, low taxation and comprehensive education; all of which contribute in turn to a thriving entrepreneurial environment.
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The Proinvest Center for Development and Entrepreneurship at PBS is a global learning platform for principled innovation-driven entrepreneurs building a better world. The Center is committed to providing entrepreneurs with education, funding, and community resources—as well as helping them to cultivate principled leadership skills and a strong sense of purpose—in order to give them the greatest chance of succeeding as change agents in the developing world.
The Center was established by The Legends Foundation in order to demonstrate the power of entrepreneurship to catalyze transformation in society and to improve global wellbeing. The capstone initiative at the Proinvest Center is its competitive fellowship program, which admits 100 – 200 students annually, who are committed to building and scaling ventures in the developing world. The Center equips Proinvest fellows who have entrepreneurial ambition with the skills they need to succeed, not just as entrepreneurs, but as agents for change in order to transform the emerging markets to which they return.
By creating principled leaders, the Proinvest Center is generating enduring solutions that tackle the world’s most pressing challenges.